Sunday, April 30, 2006


Cool weekend!!

I was feeling a bit peckish, so I decided to hit a restaurant in tillamook, next thing I know I have driven 50 miles and I am in Seaside. So, I thought I would have lunch there. I found a Cajun restaurant called Lil' Bayou. I had the Seafood and sausage Jambalaya. It was nice, could have been a bit more spicy and the rice was wonderful, I think it was a medium grain. And, since I left my book their, I think I will head up their on the morrow and get it (and also order a poboy).

I cooked a chicken in my dutch oven, I rubbed it with kosher salt and added 2 apples, 1 onion and a bunch of pieces of ginger. It had a very subtle sweet and ginger taste!

I had brought home some rock fish, but I waited too long to cook it, 3 days is apparently to long and it had a nasty fishy smell.

I watched the worst movie ever this weekend, its called back from hell. It is worth seeing because it is so bad. I won't give anything away except to say "fat zombie ninja's".

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I sit here wondering, why do we have to die? Just when we reach a certain maturity that allows us to see and sense and touch the world around us. Apologies for sounding so morose, but after cooking a simple tomato, onion, garlic and heavy cream sauce with salt and pepper, i want to experience more!!!

I finally started the Tillamook Cooking Club, i have 3 people interested and have a posting in the hospital newsletter that may atract more people, but i hope not too large since the first meeting will be a potluck in my apartment. Our first meeting will be may 20th.

Work went well today, have to get a part for the ABS2000. I think jerrie in purchasing will be mad at me because i keep complaining that my orders are late and she takes it seriously. She needs to realize that it is more of a problem with Pro-click than anything else.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Love it!! Loooove It!!

This is starting to get easier!!

During the Weekend i made a slow bake beans, with pinto ham hock and chili spices. I added a diced habanero at the begining of cooking and another diced habanero in the last hour of cooking. This resulted in a nice taste with a low level heat without being hot! I serve this on rice.

Tonight i did a smaller version of Rachael Ray's i think it was from Nova Scotia or some such apple potatoe hash, i diced 1 apple 1/2 onion and sweated them in olive oil and butter, then i added a diced large russet Potato that i microwaved for 8 minutes to soften it, salt and pepper and oh my!!! Tomorrow i hope to make the simple roma tomato green onion and cream sauce for a paste (she did it with a canadian benedict egg), and also i want to do a simple egg cooked in olive oil with sea salt and pepper (spanish style).

Work was a little hectic today, had to order everything i needed to do anesthesia PM's. I found a decent flow meter for $240. And, a tech at another hospital says he has a volume meter that he was going to throw it away, so i might be able to get it for free ($1000 saving). Now i just need to figure out my test setups.